Very interesting coincidence!
very interesting coincidence!
Very interesting coincidence!
(revelation 5:10) - and you made them to the god of us kingdom and priests, and they are reigning upon the earth.
(nwt kindom interlinear).
(revelation 5:10) .
(Revelation 5:10) - and you made them to the God of us kingdom and priests, and they are reigning upon the earth. (NWT Kindom Interlinear)
(Revelation 5:10) . . .and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.” (RNWT)
The original Greek says certain ones will be reigning, (βασιλεύουσιν) it does not say they will be kings.
Also, the original Greek clearly says that they will be upon the earth - not above or over it.
Scripture proves scripture: The messianic prophecy at Psalm 45:16 says, "You will appoint them as princes (not kings) in all the earth."
Princes (rulers, chieftains, heads, officials under king) on the earth - not kings in heaven! Example: Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego were all rulers - not kings.
As for the cult's alleged 144,000 king-priests, Paul must have been exaggerating Christ's parallel to Melchizedek - if 144,000 window-cleaners etc. are also going to become king-priest Melchizedek clones:
(Hebrews 5:5, 6) "So, too, the Christ did not glorify himself by becoming a high priest, but was glorified by the One who said to him: “You (not 144,000 others) are a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek.”
(Hebrews 7:11) "...what further need would there be for another priest (not 144,000) to arise who is said to be in the manner of Melchizedek." (not 'are' like Melchizedek)
(Hebrews 7:15) "And this becomes even clearer when another priest (not 144,000) arises who is like Melchizedek," (not 'are' like Melchizedek)
i ask you all would anyone of you throw a party and have everyone atttending just to look at the refreshments?
would you invite people to a meal only to not be allowed to eat?.
absurd you say!.
When we were active JW's, we never questioned our spectator status. We just obeyed what the self-proclaimed 'slave' told us we had to do - "respectfully observe." Those two words appear in the same Bible verse as "immortal soul" & "holy trinity."
@ SeaBreeze - (Revelation 5:9) . . .for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people (not spirit king-priests) for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, (RNWT)
gun's 'n' roses did a decent cover of it!.
if one man on his own can use technology to track down and expose these lumps of vomit who think they are human beings, then why can't western governments' security services do the same?.
Hey Cofty, I was being hassled a few years ago by these Indian scumbags, so I finally decided to string them along for as long as possible - to waste their time! I kept asking them to repeat their instructions (to get remote access to my PC) and then finally told them that I couldn't continue any more with his requests.
When he asked me "Why not?", I told him that the men in white coats had come and taken away my laptop! I then laughed when he used some expletives to describe me.
Downside: these pond-life started 'phoning me during the night, so I had to disconnect every evening for some time.
gun's 'n' roses did a decent cover of it!.
Gun's 'n' Roses did a decent cover of it!
if one man on his own can use technology to track down and expose these lumps of vomit who think they are human beings, then why can't western governments' security services do the same?.
If one man on his own can use technology to track down and expose these lumps of vomit who think they are human beings, then why can't western governments' security services do the same?
Obviously, the Indian authorities can't afford to do so - they've got nuclear weapons & a space programme to finance!
the final order was issued few hours ago:.
the record establishes that darkspilver made fair use of the watch tower ad and chart.
Of course I'm entitled to my conclusions, just as you had the opportunity to say something justifiably critical of the JW organisation or its 8 muppets puppets - but couldn't. You can blaspheme the son of God and it'll be forgiven, but if you blaspheme the Warwick H8ful 8, you will not be forgiven!
the final order was issued few hours ago:.
the record establishes that darkspilver made fair use of the watch tower ad and chart.
@ Corney: Straw man. Because you personally don't have all the facts about something, it must be derided as being "super-confidential" & "illogical bullshit." Arrogant & pompous attitude you've got there.
Nice try Corney. My "disrespectful questions" to you were simply a chance for you to express - in your own words - what you really think about the WTBTS's spurious claims. Who on earth would call such questions "disrespectful"? Now let me think.......
Some people might say you were employing "theocratic warfare" by simply typing & highlighting one word, 'yes' without elaborating on it .
I'm naturally suspicious of anyone who comes onto this forum - a JW apostate forum - and refuses to say anything "disrespectful" but true about the JW cult and its practices. In such circumstances (until otherwise persuaded) I will assume that the individual is an active JW publisher, or worse!
I unreservedly condemn & denounce the WTBTS & all of its affiliates as corrupt money-making organizations. No doubts about my position!
I'm calling you out as a squeeky little JW mole. Prove me wrong - if you're not too busy at MillHill/Chelmsford!
the final order was issued few hours ago:.
the record establishes that darkspilver made fair use of the watch tower ad and chart.
Nice one Anders!
Hey Corney, which part of "confidential" do JW's not understand????
So-called "spiritually weak" Jehovah's Witnesses
are routinely confronted by the wolves in sheep's clothing loving
elders and asked specific questions to test them out. I'll reverse
those questions and ask you
to answer them:
you genuinely & readily reject
Jehovah's Witnesses' claim that they
are the true religion, and do you also reject their governing body's
claim that they
the 'faithful slave' as depicted at Matthew 24:45?
Your clear and affirmative answers.....etc. etc. I eagerly await your response.